ASPIRE Support - Applications Now Open


Introducing the next wave of Duke AHEAD support for our health professions educators.  ASPIRE (Achievement, Scholarship, Perseverance, Innovation, Resilience, Excellence) funds are available for our members for individual growth and faculty development as well as for interprofessional teams to promote wellness during this ever-changing landscape.

How it Works:  Individuals may request up to $2400 in support for services like executive coaching, editor services, DOCR support, and more.  Interprofessional groups may request up to $500 for teambuilding and wellness activities of their choosing – consider a group cooking class, a Yoga retreat, a Nasher Tour, a visit to the Lemur Center; be creative with your ideas! 

Fall 2024 Now Open - Applications Due by 10/28/24 5:00 pm 

See full list of services available here:
