Curated collection of teaching materials, assessment tools, and faculty development resources from AAMC.
How to Develop a Curriculum
Tutorials (online)
From Michigan State University. A self-paced tutorial on developing curricula
Compelling Communication - Oral Presentations
Handout from Education Day post course, Richard Chung, MD, Compelling Communication
Achieving desired results and improved outcomes: integrating planning and assessment throughout learning activities
Moore DE Jr, Green JS, Gallis HA. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2009 Winter;29(1):1-15.
A Snapshot of Three Common Program Evaluation Approaches for Medical Education
Academic Medicine:
January 2013 - Volume 88 - Issue 1 - ppg 146
doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3182759419
AM Last Page: PDF Only
UMKC Graduate Certificate in Health Professions Education
Courses (in-person)
18-credit certificate, with mix of live and online sessions.
Teaching Pain Assessment and Management: TC slides
Teaching Conversations slides from 10/15/15
School of Medicine Registrar
Duke offices & programs
Contains forms, student schedules and faculty resources for SOM.
Practical PowerPoint for Medical Educators
Tutorials (online)
Designing Effective Slides According to Principles of Learning
Stephen Yelon, PhD, Deborah A. Sleight, PhD, John Williamson, MA; Michigan State University