Practical Tools for Cultivating an Inclusive Culture in Health Professions Education: A Regional Event
Deadline for Submission: February 28, 2022
Duke AHEAD, DUSON IEE, Duke AHEC and Duke IPEC Center are excited to announce our first ever regional event, "Practical Tools for Cultivating an Inclusive Culture in Health Professions Education on April 1, 2022.. This program does include a poster session and we invite abstract submissions using the guidelines below.
Abstracts should reflect our mission to advance education excellence innovation. Please consider sharing your work for future collaboration as well as for scholarly recognition. Posters will be displayed on 4/1/2022 for the entire day, allowing discussion among presenters and interested attendees. Poster presenters should be available from 1:00 - 2:00 to answer questions.
Abstract requirements
Maximum 500 words, excluding title, authors/advisor, and references.
Organize the abstract as follows:
- Title - Keep the title brief. Should portray essence of the project/program
- Authors (names, title, degree) - Poster presentations may be made by a substitute for the first author, but the presenter must be a co-author.
- Background/Purpose of the project/program - background information on population and program; include problem being addressed
- Objectives
- Methods for program/project implementation (research methods or what was done for a service project)
- Results/Outcomes/Improvements or Evaluation (evaluation of the activity if service, highlight outcomes, and /or findings)
- Significance/Implications/Relevance (project effectiveness, recommendations for future programming and/or follow up, include limitations of the program/project, if any)
- References (maximum of 4)
Your abstract, even if submitted to another conference previously, must match the above requirements to be featured in the printed booklet. You must use Arial point 10. Please, no tables, charts, or graphs.
Submission Deadline
All submissions must be received on or before February 28, 2022 at 5pm. The submission template can be found below:
If you have questions about your submission, please e-mail Kristin Dickerson at
The primary author of each abstract will be notified of the status of their submission via e-mail by March 14, 2022. If you have not received information regarding your submission by this date, please contact Kristin Dickerson.